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From minor symptoms to in-depth diagnosis to effective remediation.


When the owner of this mid-70s home first called MasterWerks, their primary concern was the deteriorated siding and windows. However, as we discussed the situation and other issues were brought up, it became apparent that some of the deterioration was symptomatic of a larger, more pervasive water intrusion problem. The real culprit was a severe drainage issue caused by substantial runoff from the adjacent houses. Water from those properties was flowing into our client’s backyard and settling against the foundation with limited additional runoff. A failed drain tile discharge system allowed the pumped water to recycle endlessly, which then caused the pump to run continuously without any effective result. The situation was further aggravated by the property’s soil type.


Although there had been past efforts to remediate the problems—including some poorly thought-out soil grading and sump pump drainage installation—the work had clearly been executed incorrectly with low-quality materials and had failed. Consequently, there was no effective mitigation of the surface and sub-surface water. The result was leading to sill and structural member decay and internal moisture retention, in turn raising the internal humidity levels well above normal.


Correcting this potentially damaging situation required a multi-pronged attack. The first order of business was devising and installing an underground drainage system for the yard, sump, and gutters, allowing water to flow off the property, as well as establishing a proper grading plan and elevations to keep surface drainage water away from the foundation. To control interior moisture, we upgraded the existing HVAC system with new units, as well as an air exchange unit with dehumidifier capability. We also ventilated and replaced wet insulation and then reinsulated the attic areas properly.


Having addressed those underlying issues, MasterWerks’ next focus was the home’s exterior façade. By enhancing its curb appeal, we would strengthen its perceived market value and likely return on investment, should the time come to sell. Working strategically, we extended the eaves and cornice returns, built a covered entry porch, installed replacements for the deteriorated and aged windows, and replaced the failing, high-maintenance siding and trim with enduring James Hardie products. We also added veneer masonry, a new garage door, shutters, and new concrete work including entry steps and service patios. Aa a final flourish, we integrated a well-designed landscaping plan featuring a recreational patio with stone retaining walls and shrubbery screens.


In essence, this is a story of elevating the home’s overall quality—enhancing curb appeal and real value to satisfy the owner’s true wishes and needs—while eliminating the expressed symptoms and actual underlying causes of deterioration and obsolescence that would derail those objectives. This kind of multifaceted, holistic response is in keeping with MasterWerks’ overall approach: We’re never content to address the symptoms without determining the root causes, and we always seek strategic building solutions that improve structural health and well-being while strengthening design and marketability.  â€‹â€‹ 

We never just add on,
We multiply value.

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